„Finde deinen Master!“ auf den MASTER AND MORE Messen im November und Dezember in Hamburg, Wien, München, Stuttgart, Berlin und Münster
Die Suche nach dem passenden Studiengang ist nicht nur nach dem Abitur eine wichtige und schwierige Aufgabe – auch die zweite Studienwahl, die Entscheidung für das richtige Master-Studium, gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung und Komplexität. Als Entscheidungshilfe sind Master Messen ideal geeignet: Hier können sich Master-Interessenten einen Überblick über das breite Angebot an Master-Programmen verschaffen und zudem persönlich von den Hochschulen und Master-Experten beraten lassen.

Um Bachelor-Absolventen und Young Professionals in ganz Deutschland und Österreich diese Möglichkeiten zu geben, finden die MASTER AND MORE Messen, die größten Master Messen im deutschsprachigen Raum, im November und Dezember 2012 an insgesamt sechs Standorten statt:

Fakten und aktuelle Informationen zu den Master Messen
Die Termine für die Master Messen 2012 sind:

  • – Master Messe Hamburg am 15.11.2012 im Millerntor Stadion
  • – Master Messe Wien am 20.11.2012 in der Messe Wien
  • – Master Messe München am 22.11.2012 in der Kleinen Olympiahalle
  • – Master Messe Stuttgart am 27.11.2012 in der Liederhalle
  • – Master Messe Berlin am 06.12.2012 im Postbahnhof
  • – Master Messe Münster am 08.12.2012 in der Mensa am Ring


Begleitet wird die Master Messe von zahlreichen Expertenvorträgen rund um das Master-Studium. Infos zur Bewerbung, Finanzierung oder zu den Berufsaussichten nach Studienabschluss geben den Messebesuchern umfassend Orientierung im Master-Dschungel.

Alle Informationen zu den Master Messen gibt es unter www.master-and-more.de/eventsundtermine. News zum Master-Studium gibt es auch immer aktuell auf der Facebook Fanseite www.facebook.com/MASTERANDMORE. Veranstalter der Master Messen ist die Hochschulmarketing-Agentur border concepts GmbH.

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The Master in Management Compass celebrates its first birthday
More than 400 Master in Management (MIM) programs worldwide


Madrid (Spain), June 11, 2011 – The internet platform Master in Management Compass (www.mim-compass.com) celebrates its first birthday. The website was developed in 2010 to fill the lack of information on the Master of Science in Management (MIM) which emerged in the 2000s as a new postgraduate program in general management, besides the MBA. Today the Master in Management Compass offers a database with more than 400 MIM-programs worldwide and more than 700 specialized Management Masters such as in Finance, Marketing, or Supply Chain Management, research articles on Management Masters, student blogs, and an Ask-an-Expert function.


The Master of Science in Management (MIM) receives an increasing recognition from academic institutions, newspapers, and undergraduate students who look for a postgraduate program in management. In contrast to the MBA where the demand is stagnating or even decreasing, the demand for Masters in Management is increasing. Since 2005, the Financial Times publishes a Master in Management ranking every year and recently the British accreditation group AMBA also started to accredit Masters in Business and Management, in addition to MBA programs.


The Master in Management Compass, also called the MIM-Compass, responded to this development by providing a platform especially for Master in Management (MIM) programs as well as for specialized Management Masters. Besides the database with more 1,100 programs, the MIM-Compass publishes research articles on Management education, student blogs, testimonials, and information on rankings and accreditation and offers an As-an-Expert function.


Business Schools appreciate the focus of the platform: “It is certainly one of the best education portals” says Jack Coory from the IE Business School. “Our Master of Science in Management Program has been part of this outstanding platform from the beginning and enjoys the excellent service and high level of professionalism delivered by the team of the MIM-Compass” says Steffen Löv, from the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. And Kelly Santina from Thunderbird School of Global Management says: “Thank you for the content and hard work to make the site what it is today and will be in the future!”


Students enjoy the Master in Management Compass too: Kushal from India say: “Looking back to the months I spent trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, I can safely say today that I do not know what I would have done without MIM-Compass.” Varun says: So you are doing tremendous job in educating the graduate’s about Master’s in Management and providing the details about the university and help the student’s in choosing the university and that’s too from single platform.”


The website is offered in English and freely accessible. It can be used for gathering background information on postgraduate studies in Management, for searching for the “right” program and business school and for posting questions in the Ask-an-Expert function.

Master in Management Compass
Thomas Graf
Madrid, Spain
Phone:  +34 686383477
E-Mail: info@mim-compass.com


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